You know that your personal style means more than just the clothing, it’s a reflection of who you are.

You’re an industry leader, you’re constantly evolving and achieving so much success in life!

.. Yet your personal style and how you dress doesn’t reflect that.

Instead of stepping into your power and showing up with complete confidence of who you are, you end up questioning your style decisions, hiding in your outfits, and settling for the safer option (even though deep down, you know it isn’t actually serving you).

I also know that you have a DEEP desire to level up. To dress with complete AUTHENTICITY of who you are. To be a match for the powerful message you have to share.

To THRIVE in all aspects of life!


  • Have the CONFIDENCE to get dressed with amazing pieces that are a true reflection of who you are, so that you can show up with complete authenticity

  • Know EXACTLY how to mix + match your pieces and create aligned outfits with EASE, and style in a way that flatters you and is appropriate for you/and matches your powerful message

  • Continuously level up your style with a PERSONALISED strategy you can rely on because your style foundation (and mindset) is rock solid

  • Show up with complete clarity and alignment of who you are, gain a new-found energy, and start creating the abundant life you desire

Here’s the thing..

I know what it can feel like to want to express who you REALLY are, but feel frustrated that you can’t confidently translate your value and the impact you KNOW you’re capable of through clothing.

I know you’re done playing safe with your style, squeezing yourself into traditional style rule boxes, and settling for outfits that don’t serve you or communicate how AMAZING you really are.

It isn’t fair for industry leaders like you to HIDE under the radar because you’re unsure how to show up as your most authentic, successful self.

... that's exactly why I created Styled to Thrive™.

Unlike other style strategies that put you in a box, Styled to Thrive teaches you how to embrace a style that is unique to you. This personalised approach will COMPLETELY change your perspective on style and will set you up with a solid style foundation to thrive.

“My style has completely evolved, and it’s affected other aspects of my life too. Not only do I feel confident with how I dress and how I want to present myself, but it’s changed how I show up at work and in social settings. It’s a very personalised program and the freedom of having the structure but the flexibility makes it so special.”





Stepping into the next-level version of you means having a true understanding of who you are, who you desire to be, and having a solid style foundation to support you. When you have clarity with your highest self, you will go into this styling experience as the leader you already are. You’ll make the most of what you learn moving forward by letting go of what’s been holding you back and keeping you safe, and embracing all it means to show up as your most authentic self!

  • → Overcome limiting beliefs and break free from style rules that are holding you back from achieving your ultimate goals.

    → Create a vision board and set your goals so that you have a clear path towards your elevated style.

  • → Discover your authentic personal style using my 4-Factor Formula™️ so that you can dress with confidence and alignment of who you are

    → Learn personalised strategies to dressing for colour, lifestyle, body shape and personal taste



This phase is all about translating your authentic personal style through your wardrobe. You’ll understand the importance of creating your own capsule wardrobe, how to create a space that serves you well, and how to invest in the right pieces that will help you express your elevated style. In doing so, you will feel confident to get dressed with a wardrobe that is aligned with you, that is a true reflection of who you are, and that matches your vision and who you are becoming!

  • → Establish your own capsule wardrobe according to colour, lifestyle, and item categories, and seasonal essentials

    → Cull and organise your wardrobe using my {signature} Wardrobe Makeover Process

  • → Identify key missing pieces so that you make considered purchases that will elevate you

    → Learn strategies for a successful shop, including where to shop, go-to brands, and item considerations for quality investments



Once you have clarity of your personal style with an elevated wardrobe to match, the final phase teaches you how to execute your personal style through clothing. There’s a huge difference between just throwing on pieces vs. styling with intention. And when you create outfits and style them in a way that flatters you and expresses your authentic self, that is where the real magic and transformation happens!

  • → Learn how to mix + match your pieces with my Mix + Match Cheatsheet and easy-to-follow outfit formulas, so that you can remove the guesswork, maximise your pieces and create endless outfit options effortlessly

    → Identify sources of style inspiration so that you’re constantly inspired to evolve with your style

  • → Learn the basics of styling to instantly look put-together, such as the tuck, accessorising, layering, and pattern clashing

    → Elevate your outfit even further with various style tips and considerations that will completely transform your outfit and how you show up

    → Learn about the power of colour and how different colours can affect your message and presentation



Not long after upgrading my wardrobe, I landed two new full-paying clients!

I was looking for better clothes to wear while representing my growing business. We went through an amazing process where I actually discovered what my sense of style is and what to wear to flatter my figure. STT helped me, not just with clothing but to actually have more confidence in how I look, too.


This experience has changed my style and mindset completely!

I used to shop in fast fashion but quickly learnt that high quality + styling strategically = longer wear and a higher ROI. I’ve definitely levelled up my style, it shows through my outfits and how I feel about myself. I no longer feel “young” in the workplace, I’ve gained respect from my colleagues and even landed a promotion!


I feel comfortable yet more confident with my new wardrobe, like a better version of myself.

STT helped me elevate my personal style and extend my comfort zone to match my new profession. As a petite body frame, I struggle with findings clothes that fit me and Fae definitely helped me to find tips/tricks to navigate that. I can now shop and style my outfits with confidence knowing my wardrobe is completely aligned with who I am!



You’re chilling in your comfort zone

You have a go-to outfit and you repeat it multiple times a week. Even if you’ve tried switching things up, you resort back to your go-to outfit because it’s the EASIEST option. You’re comfortable, you settle, but you know that doesn’t equal growth! You also know you’re not expressing yourself to your fullest and deep down, you’re ready to break free. It’s time to level up your style and show up with complete authenticity!

You’re missing a solid style foundation

Ever wonder why, when you try new styles, it doesn’t work out for you? Or why you’ve purchased new pieces to “elevate” your style, but you still somehow feel stuck? This is because you’re missing the foundational knowledge you need to know to be able to take your style to the next level. This comes down to having a clear understanding of your personal style FIRST. That way, you won’t have to keep guessing your way through and instead, you’ll be able to make confident decisions with your style as you level up!

You’re still dressing for the past version of you

I get it.. it’s easy to continue dressing the way you always have been and to stick to what you already know has worked in the past. But remember: You’re not the same person you were 5 years ago. You’re creating the life you desire, chasing your dreams, and aiming for success in all that you do, so it’s time to level up your style to reflect that!

You’re unsure of what your ‘next-level’ style looks like

You’re constantly evolving as a person, which means your personal style should be evolving with you! But if you don’t have a vision of what your elevated style is, you’ll end up staying stuck and not moving at all. To reach that next level, you need a clear vision: What does your style look like? And how do you achieve that through clothing? Only then, can. you take action, make moves and truly level up!

Fae is unbelievably amazing at what she does! She personalises each client to their own personal tastes instead of squeezing you into a box. She understands the psychology of how to lead you out of your limited beliefs and prance into who you are, but with clothing and styling (and new found energy). She is a genius! I feel freakin' amazing — Thank you for making me feel like a million bucks and infusing new confidence and energy back into my everyday!


✔️ A NEW-FOUND CONFIDENCE & ENERGY so you can really show up, attract abundance, and thrive in all that you do!

✔️ A SOLID STYLE FOUNDATION so that you can level up without having to waste time, energy, or money trying to “figure it all out”

✔️ A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR PERSONAL STYLE so that you can dress with confidence and complete alignment of who you are

✔️ A PERSONALISED STYLE STRATEGY, one that you can easily implement and repeat so that levelling up is effortless

✔️ AN ELEVATED AND ALIGNED WARDROBE filled with the right pieces that are a true reflection of who you are and that serve you best

✔️ EXPERT KNOWLEDGE AND LIFETIME SUPPORT so that you no longer have to question your personal style decisions and continue to level up with confidence

After STT, you will walk away with:


 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Styled to Thrive™ is a self-paced online course jam-packed with valuable lessons, resources, and easy-to-follow videos so that you can learn at your own pace and level up effortlessly!

  • Styled to Thrive™ uses the same signature styling framework, only through a completely different format!

    For 1:1 access, you can add the Voxer add-on to receive personalised support directly from Fae as you go through the modules.

  • Once you enrol in Styled to Thrive™, you will have lifetime access to the online modules and updates.

  • Yes! You have the option of paying in full or a 6-month plan.

  • Due to the nature of this program, all sales are final. There will be no refunds.

  • Yes! During checkout, you have the option of adding the VIP upgrade to include 1:1 Voxer support throughout your experience.

    This will allow you communicate directly with me (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm AEST), ask any questions you may have, and receive personalised feedback + recommendations!


Truth is, I haven’t always felt completely confident and aligned with my personal style.

There was a time in my life, where I would dread getting dressed. My wardrobe was an overflow of pieces that I purchased out of impulse, tags still on them. I put very little consideration into my outfits, literally a “throw on and go” situation every time. I very much got to the point of saying “no” to social events because of how insecure I felt.

As I spent longer days in scrubs and neglected my style, I completely lost my identity and I let it consume me. I knew something needed to change —That was NOT what I wanted for my life.

What I didn’t realise was that by investing in my own personal style journey, I was starting a movement for women to realise just how powerful style can be. It is the armour that allows you to show up as the most authentic version of yourself and to attract all that you desire — the dream job, the dream clients, the ultimate confidence, the life you truly deserve.

And now it’s your turn.

STYLED TO THRIVE is the ultimate transformational experience that combines style with a personalised strategy to help you show up as the most authentic version of you.

I cannot wait for you to join and achieve ultimate style confidence for yourself!